Tuesday, May 18, 2010

By Myself--A Poem

I'm all by myself here;
All my friends moved away.
I've not been abandoned;
They just couldn't stay.

New jobs, new adventures,
More money, less strife,
Led them cross-country
To follow the course of life.

I'm all by myself here;
I want to get out!
I want to visit and see them
Before my sanity's in doubt!

I post to them on Facebook;
On MySpace, too.
I text and I email,
Hoping to get through.

I call and I write
Through snail mail--
Sometimes they answer,
Sometimes they fail.

It's not the same!
I want to be near them
To share in their lives
And join in their games!

I'm proud and honored
They are my friends;
I want good things for them
Never to end!

Angry? Jealous? Bitter?
No! Not Me!
It's just that Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter
Aren't doing it for me!

I am a social creature, damn it!
I hate being alone!
I need live contact,
Not a computer or phone!

They are my friends;
I ask nothing in return;
I want for them happiness;
For happiness they've earned.

Thrice damned be the Navy!
And may Georgia again burn!
I can't be there;
So come back home, return!